How Do You Know When Undlogic Itek Power Bank Is Charged

Portable chargers or power banks have pocket-size LED calorie-free indicators that give information about the various states of the unit. Decoding the information provided by these indicators is very helpful in safely and correctly using the power bank.

fully charged power bankThe power depository financial institution LED indicator lights and their functions

Some power banks have 4 small blue LED indicator lights. When yous connect your power banking company to a power outlet to load it, one of the LED lights will blink, indicating that the power banking company is taking up the charge.

While continued to the ability source, the power bank's LEDs indicate the charge taken up past the ability depository financial institution until then:

  • 1st light blinking ways it is charged between 0%-25% and charging
  • 2nd calorie-free blinking means information technology southward charged betwixt 25%-l% and charging
  • 3rd light blinking means it is charged between 50%-75% and charging
  • 4th light blinking ways it is charged between 75-100%. And charging

When all 4 LEDs stay steadily lit, information technology means that the power depository financial institution is fully charged and should be immediately asunder from the power source. Power banks have built-in battery protection systems to prevent overcharging and overheating. Still, it is advisable non to get out the power bank connected to the ability source for a long time later on it is fully charged, as information technology may damage it.

In case all 4 LEDs start blinking, it indicates that the unit of measurement has adult some fault. In this example, it's appropriate that the device should be looked at by a professional repairman, or if it's still under warranty, it should be sent back to the vendor for repairs or replacement.

Hither is the same information in a table format:

portable charger LED status

When the power bank is disconnected from the power outlet, none of its LEDs will be lit. To check the charge level of the power bank, press one time the check button. On nigh ability banks this button is located on the side. On pressing the button once, yous volition see one, 2, 3 or all 4 LED lights glowing steadily.

  • 4 LEDs lit means power bank fully charged
  • 3 LEDs lit mean power bank 75%-50% charged
  • ii LEDs lit means power bank 50% to 25% charged
  • 1 LED lit means ability bank five% to 25% charged
  • No LED lit means that the power banking concern is totally discharged

How to bank check the accuse on power banks with ii indicator LEDs.

Some power banks take ii LED indicator lights, unremarkably a blueish and a red LED. In this case, the LEDs indicate the following:

  • Steady blue calorie-free – Power banking company is charging the mobile device.
  • Flashing blue low-cal – Ability bank needs to be charged
  • Flashing red light – Power Bank is being charged from a ability source
  • Steady blood-red calorie-free – Power Depository financial institution is fully charged

How to bank check the charge on power banks with no indicator LEDs?

Very low-cost power banks accept no LED indicator lights at all. In this instance, you have to read the transmission and observe the time it takes to fully charge it. You lot can also calculate the charging time yourself.

How tin can you summate the charging time?

First, find out the charge chapters of your ability banking company. This is normally written on the power bank and if not, certainly in the accompanying manual. This will be in units of mAh which is short of milliampere-hours. Next, find out how much current can exist delivered by the power source in Amperes, which is written on the power charger.

Say your ability banking concern has a chapters of 10000 mAh and the ability charger can deliver a current of ii Amperes. 1000 mA = 1 Ampere and 'h' is the fourth dimension in hours.

Then time to full charge will be : 10000 mAh/2A= ten Ah/2A = v hours.

Please be aware that some ability bank manufacturers enlarge the power bank's charge holding capacity. This would make the higher up calculations wrong. Hither'southward how to find out the existent capacity of your power bank.

Another thing to have into consideration, is that power banks have their charge property capacities reduced over time with heavy usage. You will see a marked difference in the charge holding capacity of your power bank after information technology has undergone 100 to 500 charge/belch cycles, depending on the brand and its quality.

In most cases, 500 accuse cycles in a power banking concern can event in about xx% loss of its charge property chapters, while cheaper ones won't last even 100 cycles. Charge property capacity besides decreases over time.

It may also decrease, if the power depository financial institution is subjected to high temperatures, like existence left in the car on a hot day. You lot tin re-calculate the charging fourth dimension of your power depository financial institution using the above formula with reduced charge holding chapters.

How exercise you know when the power bank is fully charged if the LED indicator lights are not working at all?

The easiest way to know if the ability bank is working or not, while its LED indicators have failed, is to but test it. Load it with accuse and then endeavor to accuse a mobile device. If it is charging the mobile device then your ability bank is working fine.

If you are technically adept, and so you lot tin know the land of charge of your ability banking company by measuring the terminal voltage of the batteries past a voltmeter. The common type of power banks utilize 18650 type lithium-ion batteries and at full charge, their terminal voltage should read 4.ii volts.

How to avert damaging your power depository financial institution?

You should not over-charge your ability bank and also do not completely discharge it. If you lot do so oftentimes, then in both cases the life of the power bank will decrease swiftly. If y'all exit your power bank for a long time without using it, it will slowly discharge beyond the disquisitional level and may be damaged.

It is advisable to charge your ability bank every couple of months or so, even if you lot are not using it. Avoid leaving or storing your power banking concern in a very hot or very humid environment.


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