Funny World of Warcraft Monk Names
| 2013-Jun-4 8:49 am Best character namesWhat are the funniest, or best character names you've seen? I once did a BG with a shaman healer called Vanhealin. I had to whisper him to tell him it was the best name I'd ever heard. |
| I have been waiting on the Tauren race to get the Rogue class. I have the name Wheresdabeef reserved just waiting on it. |
| 2013-Jun-4 9:06 am I had Pandadin reserved on my server just to annoy the people who think that sort of thing is funny. I deleted it to make my monk though. |
to Cat Had a Shaman in my guild called ShamWow | |
| to Cat I had a guild mate many moons ago that had three toons with strange names until you put them together. Mackha |
| to Mordred Had a Shaman in my guild called ShamWow Yeah we had one called "Shimmyshammy" My character names are usually based around "nite". So Niteshadez is my lock, Nitemare my pally and Niteprowler my druid. I also have a lowbie warrior and hunter called Nitecrusha and Niteard (this will be re-rolled and the name changed as I only created it during a drunken guild level/pvp fest!) I'm ashamed to say my DK is called Deafnite, but with all my other nites I just couldn't resist the pun. My rogue is called Furio (I was into The Sopranos at the time). My other names were a little more clever. I have a priest called Judith (Judith Priest, obviously inspired by VanHealin), my panda shaman is Bambootie and my mage is called Spellatrix, just waiting for the title "the Strange" to be introduced and the Harry Potter reference is complete. Finally my panda is called Kiss as pandas look a bit like the band KISS and I wasn't allowed "Lovegun" for obvious reasons. |
| to Cat My wife has a shammie called Totemlyhot |
| 2013-Jun-4 10:03 am Blizz didn't like my Alliance shammy alts name of "Scrotumpole" either. No sense of humor if you ask me. |
to Cat There was a Boyardee before the Chef title. Also, there was a buddy of mine who had Exploded. He had it from vanilla and somehow started PvP and earned... Challenger title. It gets better... I mean worse. He started his vanity guild of "with a teacher on board" | |
| to Cat I also had a co-tank many moons ago named Snatch. He would use the Salty title to troll people. |
| to Cat Female Undead mage - Abby Cadaver Male Tauren Pally - Cattleclysm Tauren Guild (I assume) on Perenolde - Steaks on a Plain |
| to Taino I also had a co-tank many moons ago named Snatch. He would use the Salty title to troll people. We have a character our server who goes around called "Salty Luvpillow" |
to Cat Priest named Midcoitus | |
| 2013-Jun-4 11:15 am My druid named Bulljob |
Seraphia | to Cat Female Dwarf / Holy/Disc Priest - "Crossdresser" |
My DK's name during wrath was "Mattdeimon" | |
| to Cat My first toon back in vanilla was a troll warrior that wielded a giant 2H axe and went by the name Axecuter. |
| to Cat Dora [the Explorer] [Chef] Boyardee (Credit Navymav for posting it first) [Salty] Nuts |
| to Cat RonJeremy [the Hordebreaker] |
| to Cat I have a human female pally that I transmute to look slutty, her name is Pallyho. I have a twink hunter with the Salty title and the name Nutsack. And I have a Mage named Ahkmed with "the Camel Hoarder" title. |
| to Cat I saw a Tauren warrior name "Coldcuts" before, always thought that was a good name. |
to Cat I don't know if its the best name I've ever heard, but I saw a hunter name Ronaldraygun a while ago and for some reason it really made me laugh. | |
to Cat My personal toons are: Darkthunder - Draenei Resto Shammy I totally forgot what I call my priest. I have not played him in a while but his name startes with Dark. I once had a hunter named Darkasshole and I dominted low level BGs with my BoAs. Unfortunately, it was my wife of all people who threatened to report me if I didnot change my name. Everyone else loved the name. | |
| 2013-Jun-4 4:52 pm hunter was called bowner (got reported) |
Diabolik | to Cat I've seen alot of funny names in 8 yrs, but here's a few that stick out Probably more just can remember them |
to Cat Tauren DK-Taintedbeef | |
![]() | to Deft hunter was called bowner (got reported) Which is ironic that they flagged it when there are currently 201 hunters named Bowjob. |
to Cat I have seen a few goos hunter pet name combos. Dora [The Explorer]/Boots (monkey) | |
| 2013-Jun-5 8:49 am I have seen a few goos hunter pet name combos. Dora [The Explorer]/Boots (monkey) My first hunter was called Lyra and her pet Pantalaimon. This was before I had the Polar Bear mount though Might have to revisit that when I ditch Niteard. |
| to Cat I just transfered my hunter and was forced to take a new name so I went with DaBounty (Hunter). Which works out well since I am now on a PVP server and have plenty of Bounty's for Horde. |
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